在你身边,就是天堂,世上再没有比这更好的地方.若能在对的时候遇见对的人,将是莫大的福气.可世间又有几个人有这样的福气呢?金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数.从来割舍与放弃都没那么简单,纵使深爱,也不得不分开,从此天各一方,相思比梦长.意大利电影<给自己的情书>,波澜不惊,沉稳平静的湖面潜藏着汹涌澎湃的感情呀.We have all the time in the world. We'll take it. I was thinking about getting a house at the beach this summer. I really thought that would give us a chance. I would like it so much for us to have another chance. You are the one. You are the only one. I'm taking you home, baby. 生命只有一次,抓住当下的机会,去拼. 远离毒品. 如果未来有小孩,一定要给小孩很多很多的爱.